Following Jesus in every moment means choosing to take the next step—no matter how small—trusting that each decision draws us closer to His heart.
Turning from sin and declaring Jesus as the Messiah and Lord is like opening a door to an entirely new way of living. This humble confession—marked by genuine remorse and a recognition of His authority—becomes the bedrock of our faith journey, where we begin to follow Him step by step.
You need a plan to remain in relationship with Jesus, but the plan is not the relationship. Here are five things you should do to grow your relationship with Jesus. What you do first matters and these five things will have an impact on your STORY.
The next step in following Jesus is typically baptism. Water baptism is a mark of a person’s desire to follow Jesus and live a life that confesses Jesus as Messiah and live a life of repentance. Baptism does not “save” a person, but is an outward sign of an inward desire to be a follower of Jesus. It is a public declaration of our faith and our resolve to walk in His ways.